The Super Weirdos

The Super Weirdos

and the Battle of Bash

Have you ever seen someone that looked so weird they might be an alien? You may have been right... In this hilariously weird adventure, Norm, a regular kid, finds out there are aliens living among us. Incredible, powerful, annoying aliens, led by his neighbour, Mac. Throughout his journey, Norm learns the first of many alien secrets and his life is never the same again. This book reveals secrets to the universe in ways that no one could have expected.

“The book is funny. The big theme of never giving up, helped my class to keep going when trying something new. As a teacher, one thing I was impressed with was the message of having each others' backs. I'm big on trust in my class. This is an excellent, exciting book which my kids loved.”

— Tony Campbell

Syndicate Leader - Bethlehem Primary School